Merry Christmas 2019

                                      Happy Merry Christmas 2019

After one day it is Merry Christmas. On the day of Christmas people give gift to each other  give gift to spread smile of someone's face not because you wish to get gift back from someone else, as it is the religious and cultural celebration among the billion of people in the world.Also do remember poor on this Christmas and Try to help them, you spend money to  get happiness but the real happiness in the helping the needy one then you get real peace in your mind and soul.
                                        Christmas market

In the mean time, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy new Year, I hope that whatever you are in the world, you are happy, safe, and with those you love. It is holiday like these that remind of us of our blessings, and it is so crucial that we do take a moment to thank God for what He has given us.
Some of you probably are not the biggest fans of Christmas and the holiday season, but I urge you to consider what the reason is all about. While  the society has made a big deal of the materialistic aspect of gifts, gifts, gifts, there is a deeper point of Christmas and why it applies to all of humanity. So... Without further ado, let's look at some of the most important takeaways of Christmas
                                        Christmas gift

                              Popcorn gift for Christmas

                                    Gift for New year

                                                     Gift For love


it is no secret that you, me, all of humanity-we like getting gifts. We all want things. Some of us are hopping for a shiny engagement ring this Christmas; other hope for something as simple as a new pair of shoes. But in the midst of all this desire for things, we must remember that gifts are to be given.
Huh? What does this mean? Aren't you supposed to give gifts so that you get what you want?
well, not exactly. It is better to give gifts than to receive them. Why? Because you are doing something for another person. You're ignoring your own wants to provide the wants of another. And trust me, there is nothing better than seeing your loved one open a gift and smile bigger than every thing

The holiday season is about love. Without getting too soppy, I'll say that the song "I,ll Be Home for Christmas" is a good one to listen to. In these days of celebration, family is hugely important. Whether your family is blood, or your family is your friends, you must be with them. Why do i require it? Because me don't know how many Christmas we get on this planet, and it's important that we savor family time while we have the chance.
                           Merry Christmas And Also Happy New Year

                Don't Forger your Love ones on this Celebration

And this is the perfect time to love on people, even if you want to slap them or disappear due to the family drama. And another thing, we're not just supposed love those we know. We're called to love those we don't know, and we must be kind to all we meet. That is what I love about the holidays: That, despite the manic tone in the air, there is also a feeling that... Maybe, just maybe..... We can slow down and take the time to show kindness to those around us.


Some people don't celebrate Christmas for this reason, but I'll tell you that to me it is the most important. Christmas which i like to think of as More Christmas celebrate the birth of Jesus. No one of us really know when the Christ was born, but we take 25 December as opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We must really don't care when he was born but we must care that he was born, and that he lives. Merry Christmas again to every one and am happy while writing this blog. Take care of you in last i would like to share some Christmas Pictures 

          A Beautiful and Decorated Christmas Tree

                                            Merry Christmas Gif.

                                    Santa Claus

Little Santa Claus 

          Santa Claus is Ready to spread smile on everyone's face

                           Beautiful Christmas Tree

          A Small van For Christmas gift for Children

                                           Happy New Year 2020

Once again take care of you, Your Parents, Your Family, Your Friends And ones who you don't know treat with all with Happy Moral
Happy Christmas              


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